Sermon Date: 10/25/2020 Scripture: Romans 12:1-2
I want to introduce you to a mythical church member that I am going to call Kenny. When we first meet Kenny, he is attending services at First Church, but he leaves because the services were too predictable. He and his family then joined Grace Church, because they had a great choir, but not long after that, we hear they are happy at the Christian Worship Center. Soon after they joined Christian Worship Center, they moved their membership to the Community Church because of the great bible teaching there. After that, the youth program at the New Hope Church catches their eye. Now, at least for the moment, they are at the Church Uptown, until something else commands their attention. Whatever happened to commitment?
Between 2016 and 2018, 52% of all American adults were members of a church. Why do you suppose that there are over a 100 million church members in America, yet there seems to be no moral or spiritual impact on society? Why is it that on Sunday morning thousands of churches have empty pews? Why is it that the average Sunday School in America has less than 10% participation of the church roll? Why does the average worship service in America have only 50% of the church membership in attendance? If Christians really believe in a real heaven and a real hell, how can we be so casual? The answer to all of these questions is tragically simple. God’s people have made a decision about Jesus, but have never made a commitment to him.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines commitment as an agreement or a pledge; a state of being obligated. There is, of course, a world of difference between a commitment and a decision. Decisions can be made carefully, but in the end it's just a conclusion reached after a deliberation. Perhaps the clearest example of this in America is the failure rate of marriages. According to statistics, 45% of all US marriages end in divorce. Why do you suppose that is happening? Couples make a decision but do not make a commitment. The same is true in the church. The reason why the church is not making more of an impact on our society is that many of its members have made the decision, but have not made the commitment. Unfortunately, churches are filled with members who have never committed. They have been planning on it, meaning to do it, wanting to do it, trying to do it, and going to do it, but the tragedy of all tragedies, they never did it.
I want to challenge you today to learn to worship and praise God. He is watching our commitment.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1 KJV
The word "present" is a technical Greek word used for offering a sacrifice. This is a voluntary act. It does not say, "I command you", it says, "I beseech you". The motivation is remembering "the Mercies of God". Close your eyes for just a moment. Think of all that God has done in your life or in the lives of your children. Think of the "Mercies of God" based on what you have received. Can you really say that you owe nothing? When we reflect on the goodness of God, how can we be anything other than committed. The Apostle Paul issues a clear call for commitment in Romans 12:1-2.
Paul goes on to say that believers should present themselves as "living sacrifices" with the understanding that there is no such thing as a partial "sacrifice" or a partial commitment. Based on the blessings that we have received from God, our commitment is our "reasonable service". It is impossible to be "sort of" committed. You are either committed or you are not.
And do not be conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 KJV
There are two words in the original Greek that deserve special attention. The first is the word that is translated to "conformed". This word is also sometimes translated into "fashioned". Paul is saying, do not allow yourself to adopt the fashion of this world, to be forced into its mold. The second word is the word that is translated to "transformed". This is the word from which we get the English word "metamorphosis". This is an inner change, which has observable, outward manifestations. This is not something you do to yourself. Once you "present" yourself as a "living sacrifice" and you reflect on the "Mercies of God", you will be transformed progressively. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, but it requires cooperation on the part of the believer. The end result is that you may test out, and discover by proof, what is the Will of God. It all begins with commitment. Today I challenge you to follow through with that commitment.
We are called to commit ourselves as disciples. Disciples are learners. Disciples make a commitment to continue to grow spiritually. You must have that commitment for personal growth. Without your commitment to learning, the church will not grow in Christ.
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:25 KJV
Commit to church. Do not leave at the first sign of trouble or pressure. Become involved in the church. Learn to give and don't just criticize what you think is wrong, but assist in solutions. Become involved in the church. Ask yourself, what can I do to make things better. We need to accept the challenge to commit ourselves to responsible membership. The member who “forsakes the assembling together" forfeits the power of a corporate identity, a family.
Some people do not see church attendance as a necessity. They see recreation as a necessity. They see yard work and washing the car as a necessity. They see viewing major sporting events as a necessity, but church attendance and church participation seems to rank with visiting grandparents, taking a grandchild to a movie or being in the park with your children. You have every intention of doing it, but something else always comes up.
Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching; or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness. Romans 12:6-8 KJV
Finally, commit to ministry. Commitment to church means deciding this is my home and I am moving in for a permanent stay. I am going to be active, using my talents and gifts to serve in the various ministries of the church and be a part of the development of such ministries. The Apostle Paul reminds us that we have different gifts, according to the grace that God has given us. Ministry means putting those gifts to work. We need to be a part of what you see churches doing.
Will you make a commitment today? If you have not committed yourself to the Lord, then you need to begin there. Once you have committed yourself to the Lord, will you commit yourself to personal growth? Will you commit to church and commit to ministry? It takes every one of us to do God’s business.
Elder Clifton C Tate Sr., a native of Jeanerette, LA, is a Vietnam Veteran and a graduate of Southern University (BR). Elder Tate received his theological training from the Charles Harrison Mason System of Bible Colleges in Lafayette, LA and was ordained as an elder in the Church of God in Christ in 2006.
Elder Tate holds regular church service at Bethlehem Church of God in Christ in Patterson, LA.