"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences." - Audre Lorde
Typically I avoid incendiary topics on Facebook, or any of the social media platforms. I like to read, digest, and keep my opinion to myself (or a close circle of friends via text). However, lately it seems as if people have lost their damn minds, and have no problem airing it out on social media. It's mind boggling to say the least, especially with the "cancel culture" that has found its time to shine. More and more people are being exposed for racial bias, and the consequences, no matter how dire, don't seem to stem the tide.
“The problem is that those who talk about “reverse” racism, or want to act like racism does not exist, want to personalize it.”
We seem hear the same old song and dance these days. Someone shares or likes a post that is obviously prejudiced against People of Color, and then boom! Here come the "I don't see color", "I have Black friends", "I could never be", "How long have you known me" excuses. Usually I scan past all the whitewashing of bad behavior looking for the next meme, but this particular post caught my attention.
"Only in America can an ethnic group have black awareness month, a black holiday, black only colleges, black only dating sites, black only bars and clubs, black only tv channel, black only beauty pageants" - Anonymous Post from Facebook
It was a post from someone I knew, someone I went to school with, and not one of the several hundred "friends" Facebook has provided me with. After processing for a few minutes, I decided that this was a topic better addressed with deliberation and not a witty retort.
The Myth of Black Exclusionism
The Black Experience in America has been many things, and different people will have experienced her in a myriad of ways. However, one point holds true on all accounts: America did not want us to have a seat at the table. All of the things mentioned in the above quote were created because of lack of diversity and inclusion. Our real history was not taught nor celebrated by others, so we did it for ourselves, and pushed for America to recognize us. There are no “Black-Only” colleges. We pursued higher education on our own when we were denied it from other established schools. There are no “Black-Only” bars and clubs. There are establishments that White people may not feel comfortable going to, but they can. The same is for us if we want to go to some “White” clubs and bars (and I’ve been to quite a few). “Black” Beauty Pageants were created because of a lack of inclusion and diversity in already established pageants. “Black-Only” TV is just more of the same because again it was created because of lack of inclusion and diversity in TV programming. Notice the trend is that Black people were denied access and the ability to participate with the community at whole, so we created our own. The difference is that we don’t exclude others, so where is the racism/bias/prejudice in their creation?
Race and racism is a reality that so many of us grow up learning to just deal with. But if we ever hope to move past it, it can't just be on people of color to deal with it. It's up to all of us — Black, white, everyone — no matter how well-meaning we think we might be, to do the honest, uncomfortable work of rooting it out – Michelle Obama
"Not one person on here can tell me they lived through white only bathrooms, whites sit in front, blacks sit in back, white only schools before desegregation, white only restaurants, was never enslaved, raped, beaten, lynched. We've never seen 'white only' signs." - Anonymous Reply from Facebook
In today's quickly advancing society, it is easy to assume that the laws and societal norms of the Jim Crow era are apart of the distant past. It is easy to assume that America has finally gained a fragile sense of equality. However, 1965 was not that long ago, and many of our parents lived with and fought against the same racial oppression that we are facing today. The societal norms fostered by the inherent hate of Jim Crow is still pervasive across the Deep South. Some of these norms I addressed directly on the post.
"White-Only Bathrooms"
During my college years, I traveled frequently across the South. I have been denied access to restrooms in businesses in ways that can only be attributed to my race, because white patrons were allowed to use the restroom. This has happened to me in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
"White-Only Schools"
I wasn’t born during segregation, but my parents were and have experienced it. I experienced parents sending their kids to Catholic/Private schools in order for them to be in a less diverse population than the public schools in the area. My experience was “White” and “Black” proms in my town as late as 2000. This is a town that had a population of 6,031 in 2000 and one high school. The separation was real. No one believes the bullshit about the difference in the quality of the education between Private/Catholic and Public Schools in rural Southwest Louisiana.
"White-Only Restaurants"
The earlier post erroneously said that we have “Black-Only” clubs and bars, and then it is implied that "White-Only restaurants are a thing of the past. You don't get to have it both ways. Simply put there are places you’re not wanted and the service shows. (Anyone one who has ever bar-hopped in Midtown Houston knows exactly what I'm talking about)
“Was Never Enslaved, Raped, Beaten, Lynched"
Dafuq? No, these things have not personally happened to me, but Black people are still being enslaved, raped, lynched, and beaten because of the color of their skin. The current BLM movement is a direct result of this. The fact that there are some people that can listen to testimonies, watch video evidence, and read the results of autopsies and not understand why we feel as though our lives are not respected by those in authority is appalling. As a Black man in America, not only do I fear for my safety, but I fear for the safety of my parents, my wife, my brothers, my son, my daughters, my nieces and nephew, and for everyone considered to be Black or Brown. We fear because those that believe that we live in a post-racial society turn a deaf ear to our cries and a blind eye to our wounds. We fear because we have been stalked in neighborhoods where we live, but someone felt we didn't belong. We fear because we are five times more likely to be stopped without cause by a law enforcement officer. We fear because if we are arrested, we are five times more likely to receive a harsher sentence, regardless of the crime. Black people account for approximately 33% of the US prison population while only accounting for 13% of the total population. Slavery is no longer "Massa" and Plantation, but Prison and Parole. Disproportionate profiling, arresting, and sentencing severely affects generational wealth as felons are left with fewer employment options and increased discrimination. And for those of us that are not felons, look at the historical data of the salary gap between White people and Blacks for the same job and same level of expertise. We are required to do the same jobs, to the point of excellence, for historically lower pay.
"I have never had anything to do with the KKK. I may be ignorant, but I'm not a 'ugly mfka'. Instead of calling me names or a racist, teach me. I don't understand because I grew up side by side, shoulder to shoulder with most of you above and we loved each other like brothers and sisters." - Anonymous Reply from Facebook
Although the post in general displayed a total lack of racial sensitivity, the OP (original poster) expressed a willingness to learn despite this. Empathy and willingness to have an open dialogue about racism is the only way to conquer it. The problem is that those who talk about “reverse” racism, or want to act like racism does not exist, want to personalize it. They believe that they are not racist, but them believing that is not enough. Racism is a systematic oppression of a minority that is either implicitly or complicity supported by the majority. One person’s bias cannot affect the trajectory of a group without the support of a larger group, laws and institutions, and financial means. In this aspect racism will always exist until that majority is dissolved.
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. – James Baldwin